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JOVI 50 grs
La plastilina JOVI es un tipo de masa maleable y moldeable utilizada para actividades artísticas y creativas. El tamaño mencionado, 50 gramos, se refiere al peso del paquete de plastilina. La plastilina JOVI es reconocida por su suavidad y facilidad de modelado. Viene en una amplia gama de colores vibrantes que se pueden mezclar entre sí para obtener nuevos tonos. Es ideal para crear esculturas, figuras, maquetas y otras formas tridimensionales. La plastilina JOVI es especialmente popular entre los niños y los educadores debido a su textura suave y no tóxica. Se puede amasar, estirar, moldear y combinar fácilmente, lo que permite a los usuarios dar rienda suelta a su creatividad y experimentar con diferentes formas y diseños. Además, la plastilina JOVI es reutilizable y no se seca al aire, lo que la hace duradera y adecuada para proyectos a largo plazo. Recuerda guardarla en un recipiente hermético después de su uso para mantenerla en buenas condiciones.


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Shop of jovi 50 grs - Sale of PLASTICINE of HOBBY

At V.Piera we have a long experience in all kinds of stationery and fine arts supplies. In our stores throughout Barcelona, ​​Sant Cugat, Vic and Tarragona, we have more than 40,000 items in continuous stock, a fact that allows us to offer unbeatable prices, either wholesale or retail. Among our extensive catalog of products, the list of HOBBY in our online store of plasticine deserves a special mention.

Buy JOVI 50 grs in our online store of PLASTICINE. Born as a store of Fine Arts material, Vicenç Piera was offering more related products, Materials for Crafts, Fountain Pens, Stationery Material and Posca and Copic Markers for graphic design. Thick Mine Pencil, Thick Mechanical Pencil among many others. You are in our HOBBY store with all HOBBY products from our online catalog of HOBBY. Large catalog of JOVI 50 grs and articles of HOBBY Craft supplies, clay, gesso, brushes and all kinds of art supplies and items in our craft store.

If you want to buy HOBBY or access our full catalog, we recommend that you click on PRODUCTS at the top of the page. In this option you will find an extensive list of HOBBY Online materials.

Click on PRODUCTS (in the left corner of the top menu) to access the entire product catalog.

We have divided our extensive catalog into six areas for your convenience: Fine arts store, computer consumables store, graphic work material, online store for crafts, online stationery and gift items.

Some phrases why they have found us: Acuarelas Schmincke, Bastidor para lienzo, Comprar lienzos para pintar, Comprar manualidades, Material de Bellas Artes, Pintura óleo Titan, Rotuladores Copic Ciao, Tienda Bellas Artes, Tienda Online Manualidades, Vallejo Premium, ...